If your business uses Submit Shifts, you will be able to View your Shifts and Submit Shifts for your past shifts worked through the Times icon.
When you're adding or editing a Shift, you can also add a Document.
- For example a medical certificate or a compliance document.
To add a Document:
Photos of documents can be taken from your phone and uploaded.
- Click Documents.
- Click Browse to find the file or image from your computer/phone to attach, or drag and drop the file in. You will see the file appear when uploaded successfully.
- Click the white cross in the top left of the document to remove it.
- Once all shift details are entered, click Save & Create Shift.
- Select Add Another to add any additional documents.
- Select the red bin to delete the document from the shift.
On the Times screen, you'll now see an arrow icon indicating that a document is attached to that shift.
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