From your Employee App, you're able to update your ATO Documents. As ATO documents are located in the Confidential section, you'll need to access this section with an MFA code.
Sections that can be updated are:
- Your Tax File Number (TFN)
- The answers to your Tax File Number Declaration
- Withholding Tax information
- Medicare Levy information
Updating your TFN can save you time!- If you update your personal details (name, date of birth, or address) on your tax file declaration form - it will automatically update your details in the following places:
- In your Profile in your App on your phone
- In your employer's records
- and, with the ATO.
When you make changes to your TFN documents, be aware that these changes may not take place until the next pay period. Please contact your employer if you have any concerns about this matter.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all your details are true and correct as these details are reported to the ATO.
Make a change or Update an ATO Document
To begin:
- After logging in, select View Profile from the main menu. This can be done from a desktop computer or your phone.
- In the Profile, Confidential details section, select ATO Documents.
- Using the tabs across the top, select which of the below sections you'd like to update.
- TFN Declaration
- Withholding declaration
- Medicare levy.
- You will need to select 'Update and Save' after signing if you make changes to any section.
Below we will detail the changes that can be accessed in each section.
TFN Declaration
Within the TFN section, you can make changes to:
- TFN- if it has changed or if you've made an application to the ATO or are claiming exemption options.
- On what basis are you paid (FT, PT, Labour Hire or Casual).
- Your residency status (An Australian resident, a foreign resident for tax purposes, or a Working holidaymaker).
- Relevant changes to your TFN questions around claiming the tax-free threshold, and student loans.
- Need help with this section?- Check out this ATO document!
Withholding Tax Declaration
Within the Withholding Tax Declaration section, you can make changes to:
- Whether or not you want to complete a withholding declaration.
- Whether or not you would like to vary your tax offset by reducing the amount withheld from payments to you.
- Whether or not you would like to claim the seniors' or pensioners' tax offset
- Need help with Withholding Tax Declaration? - Check out this ATO document!
Medicare Levy
Within the Medicare Levy section, you can make changes to:
- Increase the amounts withheld from you to cover the Medicare levy surcharge.
- Whether or not you qualify for a Medicare Levy exemption.
- Whether or not you'd like to claim a full exemption from the Medicare Levy.
- Whether or not you'd like to claim a half exemption from the Medicare Levy.
- Need help with the Medicare Levy? - Check out this ATO document!
If changes are made in any section, you should sign at the bottom of each page tab. And select Update and Save.
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