When your circumstances change, you can quickly and easily update your financial details on-hand from your Employee App or Portal.
Details that can be updated from the Financial Details page include:
- Updating your primary bank account and adding additional accounts to split your pay.
- Superannuation, including Super Salary Sacrifice.
- Paying additional tax.
- A list of all your current and historical deductions.
If you are looking for information on how to update your ATO/ TFN declaration details, please refer to our article on Edit your ATO Documents.
To update your financial details:
1. Navigate to the main in the top right, then select View Profile.
2. Select Financial Details.
You will now be able to update the following areas:
Bank accounts
You can edit your existing account details or add any of your additional accounts to split your pay.
To edit your primary bank account for your pay:
- Enter the new Account Name, BSB and Account Number.
- Scroll to the bottom and select Update.
Additional accounts can be added so that your pay can automatically be split into multiple accounts. This may be beneficial to split your pay between savings and your everyday account or to budget for fortnightly pay.
To add an additional bank account:
- Select + Add the primary bank account details right below. Enter the details of your secondary bank account (Account Name, BSB and Account Number).
- In the Account Amount column, select either:
- A specific amount ($) - The total amount to be sent to your additional account.
- A percentage (%) - The percentage of your pay to be sent to your additional account.
For example, if your pay is $200, and you have set up an additional account to receive $75.
This means $75 will be paid to your additional account, and the remaining $125 will be paid to your primary account.
Additional Tax
You also have the ability to pay additional tax each pay period.
This could be for personal reasons such as 'forced' savings at tax time or due to an external payment to prevent having a tax bill.
If changing your Superannuation account details, you'll have several options to choose from.
Employer's Default Fund
If you would like to join a new super fund you can optionally choose to select whoever your employer's default super fund is.
- Select 'Default Fund'. The application and details will be taken care of for you automatically.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update to save.
Existing Super Fund
- Select 'Use my own fund' and then 'Existing fund'.
- Use the Super Fund field and type in your existing fund; this will filter your list.
- Enter your membership number.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update to save.
Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)
- Select 'Use my own fund' and then 'SMSF'.
- Enter your Electronic Service Address, ABN, Account Name, Account Number, and BSB.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update to save.
Superannuation Contributions
You can optionally pay additional funds into your super through superannuation contributions.
There are two options available:
- Salary sacrifice - This is taken out of your gross (pre-tax) pay and can be either a dollar value ($) or a percentage (%)amount.
- Additional personal contributions - This is taken out of your net (post-tax) pay and is a dollar value ($) amount.
To make use of salary sacrifice (pre-tax) contributions:
- Select either a dollar value ($) or percentage (%) and enter in the amount that will be salary sacrificed each pay.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update to save.
To make use of Employee Personal Super (post-tax) contributions:
- Select the dollar amount ($) that you would like to contribute to your superannuation per pay period.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Update to save.
If your employer has assigned you a deduction, you'll be able to see this at the bottom of this menu.
From this menu, you will be able to see:
- Deduction - The name of the deduction.
Method - What type of deduction it is, this can either be:
- One-off - Deduction that occurs once.
- Instalments - An ongoing deduction that ends once a repayment amount is reached.
- Recurring - An ongoing deduction without an end.
- Start - Date the deduction starts.
- End - How many pay periods until the deduction ends.
- Per pay - Amount to be deducted per pay period.
- Total - The total amount to be repaid.