There may be occasions where you incur expenses at work as part of your job that your employer may need to reimburse you for. These are the costs that may be incurred while at work, for example:
- Food expenses while travelling.
- Travel expenses to and from the airport or a venue.
- Or a reimbursement for personal mobile phone usage.
If this is the case, your employer will require you to submit a reimbursement with proof of purchase in the form of a receipt. Once approved, these funds will be added to your next paycheck.
The reimbursement does not need to be attached to a shift, so even if you do not submit your shifts, you can still use this feature.
To submit a reimbursement:
- On the Times screen, select 'Weekly Reimbursement'.
- Enter the following:
- Reimbursement Type - Select the relevant reimbursement type. Your business will have a list of valid options.
- Reimbursement Date - The date the reimbursement refers to. This date can only be today or a day in the past.
- Amount - The $ amount to be reimbursed.
- Roster - Select the roster to which the reimbursement is relevant.
- Position - Choose your position.
- Document - Upload your supporting document. This is a mandatory field and you cannot progress without uploading a document.
- Comment - Provide more information to your manager on your expense.
- Once you have entered the relevant reimbursement details, select Add Reimbursement.
This will now be submitted to your manager for approval.
You'll see a summary of your entry on the Times page. From this area, you can:
- Delete your reimbursement - Select the delete icon and resubmit your entry if you have made an error in your submission.
- Submit more reimbursements - Select the + icon to submit more reimbursements for the week.
Once your manager has approved your reimbursement, it will appear on your next payslip within the relevant section. If you have submitted multiple reimbursements, each will be listed as a separate description.
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